A Teacher Asks The Class To Name Things That End With “Tor”
A teacher in a school full of bright young things made the decision to use an interesting word game to encourage the students’ inventiveness. The task was…

This song was recorded in 1955, today it is considered as one of the best songs ever!
This song was recorded in 1955, today it is considered as one of the best songs ever! Some songs never lose their popularity no matter how much…

A Group finds unusually spiky creatures in nest – takes a closer look and jaws drop when they realize what kind of animals they are
There is now hope for a species that was on the brink of extinction.A group of researchers in Australia is thrilled after their efforts to propagate the…

Royal Family loses close friend
Peter Morris, 47, a father of two and owner of Little Dragon Pizza, passed away from cancer. The Prince and Princess of Wales expressed their condolences after…

I Went to Pick Up My Wife and
I arrived at the hospital excited to bring home my wife, Suzie, and our newborn twins. But when I entered the room, I found only the babies…

What To Do If Bitten By An Assassin Bug
Summertime is great, but it also brings along with it ticks, mosquitos, and other pests. Just when we thought we had enough bugs to deal with, along…
Officials Now Know What Happened To 4 Dead Bears Found Outside Church
The cause of death of multiple bears that were discovered in a Pennsylvania church parking lot has been revealed. The West Wyoming Borough Police Department was called…

A Boy At School Snapped Her Bra. What She Did Next Is Gold.
This story will get you fired up, but I’m certain you’ll be satisfied with the outcome. A female student stands up for her rights and refuses to…

Whoopi Goldberg’s SAD NEWS
Whoopi Goldberg’s SAD NEW Whoopi Goldberg’s SAD NEW Whoopi Goldberg’s SAD NEW Whoopi Goldberg’s SAD NEW

A blonde walks into the police department looking for a job.
A blonde walks into a police department seeking a job. The officer begins with some basic questions: Officer: “What’s 2+2?” Blonde: “Ummmmm… 4!” Officer: “What’s the square…